Ad formats
Our ad formats help you reach your audience with high-impact messages and premium positions, thus allowing brands to engage with them every day.

We have five different formats that can be run on the home page or in the different sections. They can be traditional or rich media formats.
Traditional Desktop
The traditional formats are display banners in different sizes. They are the most widely used in the digital advertising market because they are highly effective; they increase the creative’s visibility in multiple platforms.
Rich Media Desktop
“Rich media” is a term used in digital advertising to refer to the ads with advanced features, such as video, audio or other elements that appeal to the viewers and get them to engage with the content.
It is the format with the highest impact in the site. All desktop and mobile homepage space is kept for a brand, with pieces that interact with each other in synch.

Legal notices
In a world where digital transformation has ubiquitously spread in our society, the judicial system has gone digital as well. We have an innovative solution to publish legal notices, declarations of insolvency, tenders, bankruptcy proceedings, etc. Digital publications, which are as valid as their paper printed counterparts, allow for immediate release with no character constraints. You can access this new section from the link on homepage.